Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fair Days

So every year we have a town fair….it lasts for 10 days and it’s pretty much a big deal for everyone in town. I was never much of a fair girl because I was way too cool for anything that involved live stock, fried food, and pie judging. The last 2 years my husband begged me to go so I have been going with him and I actually had an ok time.

Here are my pros and cons of the fair to state my case.

Some advantages of the fair from my point of view:
  1. You get to see the strangest people I have ever seen all in one place.
  2. You can buy really cute dog treats for my fur baby.
  3. You always know someone and enjoy catching up.
  4. You can get amazing ice cream.
  5. You can see baby pigs (they are so stinkin’ cute)
  6. You can buy just about any cheesy thing you want and need.

Ok so now my disadvantages of the fair from my point of view:
1.      All the strange people you have ever seen all in one place can be a little scary.
2.      Weight Watchers nightmare…fried food heaven
3.      Carnival workers that stare you up and down like you’re a piece of meat.
4.      Animals in one small location=very very stinky
5.      You have the chance to run into all the people you were hoping never to see again.
6.      Peoples clothing choices or lack there of (What Not to Wear could have a field day for sure)
7.      Money---it is so expensive to go to the fair (food, games, parking, admission, rides, merchandise (the list can go on and on, but be prepared to break the bank)

So anyways this year we decided to go to the circus at the fair and I was actually pleasantly surprised…I only took 2 pictures because I was on the edge of my seat, but it was actually pretty good…I felt like a little kid again :)

Prepping to be shot from the cannon

This guy is crazy and I  was beyond scared for him and the pop was so loud!

I know my husband loves the food and fun so I am pretty much suckered in to going every year for him so I am making the best of it and attempting to enjoy the craziness of the fair. I also set a $50 limit for us and we actually came home with $10 so I am pretty happy.

We all do things for our loves that we may not always enjoy to the fullest and it is such a good feeling to know that something so small like going to the fair can make someone else so happy.


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