Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday Favorites

I think this quote needs no explanation...I think just about every girl just adores this movie and the amazing love of two people.

I cry everytime I watch this and maybe it is just the sappy romantic in me, but part of me just feels like this kind of love is beautiful and I hope that over time the love I have for my husband will grow and grow like it did for Allie and Noah.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fair Days

So every year we have a town fair….it lasts for 10 days and it’s pretty much a big deal for everyone in town. I was never much of a fair girl because I was way too cool for anything that involved live stock, fried food, and pie judging. The last 2 years my husband begged me to go so I have been going with him and I actually had an ok time.

Here are my pros and cons of the fair to state my case.

Some advantages of the fair from my point of view:
  1. You get to see the strangest people I have ever seen all in one place.
  2. You can buy really cute dog treats for my fur baby.
  3. You always know someone and enjoy catching up.
  4. You can get amazing ice cream.
  5. You can see baby pigs (they are so stinkin’ cute)
  6. You can buy just about any cheesy thing you want and need.

Ok so now my disadvantages of the fair from my point of view:
1.      All the strange people you have ever seen all in one place can be a little scary.
2.      Weight Watchers nightmare…fried food heaven
3.      Carnival workers that stare you up and down like you’re a piece of meat.
4.      Animals in one small location=very very stinky
5.      You have the chance to run into all the people you were hoping never to see again.
6.      Peoples clothing choices or lack there of (What Not to Wear could have a field day for sure)
7.      Money---it is so expensive to go to the fair (food, games, parking, admission, rides, merchandise (the list can go on and on, but be prepared to break the bank)

So anyways this year we decided to go to the circus at the fair and I was actually pleasantly surprised…I only took 2 pictures because I was on the edge of my seat, but it was actually pretty good…I felt like a little kid again :)

Prepping to be shot from the cannon

This guy is crazy and I  was beyond scared for him and the pop was so loud!

I know my husband loves the food and fun so I am pretty much suckered in to going every year for him so I am making the best of it and attempting to enjoy the craziness of the fair. I also set a $50 limit for us and we actually came home with $10 so I am pretty happy.

We all do things for our loves that we may not always enjoy to the fullest and it is such a good feeling to know that something so small like going to the fair can make someone else so happy.


Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Favorites

So much truth to this and I so need this on days like today. Today has been--just to put it simple--terrible. I know there are better days and I am surely hoping they come soon.
Right now I know there is a reason for all these trials and tribulations and I know the Lord would not give me more than I can handle...but my arms are getting tired and my knees weak.
Praying for new beginnings and being exactly where I am suppose to be.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Letters to No One

So I feel like I am being a complete b w/ an itch when I say the following, but really it’s one of those days and frankly venting never hurt anyone (who didn’t read my thoughts) so here we go.

Dear Co-Worker,
I do not need for you to tell me time and time again what you are doing every second of the day. If I wanted to know I would def. ask and to be honest as long as you are getting your work finished so I don’t have to clean up your mess then kudos to you.
PS: can you clean up your office because you were off yesterday and I could not find a darn thing and I am pretty sure there are dust balls flying through the air as we speak…no wonder I keep sneezing.

Dear annoying neighbor,
Really?!?!? Like you have to slam your front door every time you go in and out of your apartment so much that my dog barks…don’t you ever wonder why right after you slam your door at …my dog randomly barks? I am pretty sure he doesn’t suffer from some rare barking disorder.
Oh and PS: I work.

Dear Lady Gaga,
I am so confused by your new song…I checked my radio like 10x since it aired and I still can’t believe it is you. I am still trying to figure you out…MTV awards had me perplexed and now this. You def. keep me on my feet.
PS: you look better as a women…just saying.

Dear Facebook Status Queen,
I am sure you are a beyond wonderful person and a great mother to your 5 adopted children, but I really do not need to know what you have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every dayt. It is clear that you switched to strictly organic food and that is absolutely amazing, but when you tell the world you had organic banana pancakes, organic syrup, organic butter with a glass of soy milk and all this was eaten on your new recycled dinner ware you just purchased from a strictly organic store in Organicville, PA…it gets just a little annoying.
PS: your children are a-dorable.

Dear guy in front of me everyday,
We apparently leave at the exact same time 4 out of 5 days. I swear you completely groom and eat breakfast on your way to work because driving behind you is not the best time ever. You swerve everywhere and the speed limit is 55 not 25 so please fix yourself at home and leave like 5 minutes later because I bet you 10 dollars that if you did your hair at your house and left 5 minutes later you would actually make it to work at the same time because you might actually drive like a normal human being.  K thanks bye!

I just adore people some days….at least they give me a reason to laugh or cry…lol!


Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday Favorites

I will be thinking and praying for all those that were and are affected by 9/11. These are truly admirable, noble people. 9/11 was one reason my husband decided to serve in the Marine Corp and I thank God everyday for him and our troops and there incredible desire to serve and willingness to put our freedom in there hands. They are truly amazing.

I think that day will forever be etched into everyone's head...we know exactly where we were, who we were with, what we were doing...and even though we were all over the country....the time seemed to stop and everyone seemed to have the exact emotion of shock and sadness.

I think this quote and the thoughts of 9/11 truly have me thinking. We are just a small part of this world, but there is never a moment that we can not do something extraordinary for someone or something. A chance to be noble and admirable is what we should strive for.

This weekend I am going to strive to make some sort of difference to someone or something (whether big or small) to show my appeciation and love for our country and all those we lost.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Reality Check

Back to reality on this rainy Tuesday….Vacation was absolutely amazing and much needed. After such a stressful couple of months at work I was  beyond ready for Vacation.
We left on Saturday during the crazy hurricane and drove the entire way through it… husband is crazy :)
The weather was beautiful! We went to the beach everyday and then went out every night. We were about 20 minutes from South Carolina so we hit up Myrtle Beach 3 nights and then the other nights we stayed a little closer to home.
I only have one picture from my phone so that is all I can upload today, but I promise you will see a few more pictures in the days to come.

Coming home is always bitter sweet for me…..I love the beach, sleeping in, going out, getting tan, shopping, shopping, shopping, and not having to think about work---but I always miss my puppy…so much that I cry when I have to leave him (sad! I know)
I am hoping soon we can actually find a house or rental that allows my fur baby because then I would never leave :)

Oh and on a very happy note…I hit my 100 lb loss so on vacation I bought my reward. Brand new Coach purse!!!!
I am in love….now I am ready for the next milestone (hmm what to get?)

FYI: this picture does not do the purse justice